Friday, May 15, 2015

"I Am With You"

Not knowing where you're going is possibly one of the scariest things in life.
I have always been afraid of the future, but knowing I at least had a plan made it seem easier. When I graduated, it was probably one of the most terrifying things to have to choose exactly what my next 4 years would look like. When I finally set my heart on what I felt was right, things felt easier. Then came the point where I felt like my choice of school was already done. I had done what I needed there and there was nothing left for me there. I wasn't even done with my first year of college and I now had no idea what was happening. What I thought I knew I would be doing for the next four years came crumbling down and I was frightened to death.
It was at that moment that I felt like I was a complete failure.
I resented whenever people brought up school and asked me how it was or what I was majoring in or where I was going. No matter how many times I recited the same lines over and over again, it was always just as awkward as the time before. I hated feeling like people saw me as a "dropout," like I wasn't good enough to stick through even a year of college.
I thought that as time went by, I would understand what I needed to do next and life would just start to pick up, however that wasn't necessarily the case.
I wasn't very involved in my single's ward and often felt like I didn't fit in. When we had ward things and I would actually be able to go, I felt out of place, lonely and friendless. I didn't feel like I really had a place in that ward and I didn't feel like I was ever noticed. I didn't know who my home teachers were and I had never once heard from my visiting teachers. I don't think many people could even tell you my name in that ward or even recognize me. I remember one time, somebody asked if I was even a part of the ward...and I had been there for about 6 months. In relief society, they would sometimes have a prayer thing where you could put down people you know who are struggling for some extra prayers. I would always think to myself, if only people actually knew me to know that I was struggling...but I had no voice in that ward.
Also since I no longer had immediate plans for school, I started feeling pressured to think about a mission. I prayed about it, I prayed about it some more and I kept praying about it. And I just didn't feel right about it. So not only would I get the awkward "where are you going for college?" question, but I would also get the " well then are you going to serve a mission?" So I would often feel like a double failure within the same conversation.
It came to the point where I got angry at myself and God. 
It was at that point where I felt so useless in His eyes. 
I felt like I lost all my worth and that He no longer thought of me as a strong daughter to call His own. I felt hurt. I had so many questions on where I was supposed to be and who I was supposed to become and I felt like I wasn't receiving any answers. I was angry because I felt like He was literally trying to take everything that I knew, away from me and tell me that He didn't need me in His work. I was just a little voice and I wasn't going to do much for Him.
But when we choose to look at our situations like that, it only makes it seem worse. 
Yes, my boyfriend left. Yes, my best friend was leaving for her mission soon. Yes, I was taking time off from school. Yes, I worked a lot so I couldn't be involved in my ward. Yes, I can be shy and it's hard for me to open up so I often feel alone. Yes, most of my friends were on missions or off at different colleges so I often felt like I had nobody. Yes, I struggle with an eating disorder and it's still easy for me to forget that my body needs to be taken care of. Yes, I get anxiety just thinking about me possibly going on a mission, so I know it's not in my best interest. Yes, I am unsure about my plans for the future and it scares me more than anything.
However, I don't want to make these things become excuses for me. I know that in the end, everything will work out and I will be able to understand things more clearly. I know that I am still growing and learning. I am still trying to figure out who I am in this big world and I know God is with me every step of the way. I know that I am not alone in this. I may not see myself the way God sees me, but I do know that I am better in His eyes than in my own. 
So to my seniors who are getting ready to graduate, you have learned a lot through high school over the years and you're about to step into a new future. Don't get hung up on all the little things life will throw at you. When you need to, take a step back and just breathe. Because life will always go on, for better or for worse - you just choose how you want to take it. And take it from me, in a long run, it will always be better to see the positive at whatever life gives you than it ever will be to bottle up all the negative stuff. People see you better than you see yourself. When things get rough and you question yourself, DON'T. You are strong. You are courageous. You are bright. You are your own future. And whatever you do, God is with you.


    Ho tantissimo da scrivere su sto Renato Vallanzasca ( in quanto ad indole malavitosa) misto ad Ugo Fantozzi ( in quanto ad essere il piu' grande ciula, perdente, cane in Borsa, brucia risparmi di tutti e sempre, sia esso su azioni, obbligazioni, valute, materie prime, case, diamanti, oro fisico, qualsiasi tipo di investimento... con la differenza che Ugo Fantozzi era simpatico e per bene, a sua nettissima differenza) della finanza piu' filo mafiosa, piu' ricicla soldi mafiosi, piu' razzista, KuKlukKlanista e nazifascista, che e' il verminoso avanzo di galera, gia' 3 volte finito in carcere: criminalissimo Paolo Barrai nato a Milano il 28.6.1965, gia' abitante a Milano in Via Ippodromo 105. Lo faro' gradualmente. Per forza solo nei ritagli di tempo disponibile. Sono uno dei tantissimi da lui truffato. Mi ha azzerato tutti i risparmi come accaduto a molti altri come me. Gianni Panni di Modena.
    Condannato da Consob a pagare ben 70.000 euro di multa per mega truffa fatta da sto verminoso, vi assicuro, pure pederasta sodomizza bambini ( ne scrivero' molto presto), di Paolo Barrai di criminalissima Bsi Italia srl di Via Socrate 26 Milano, criminalissima World Man Opportunities di Via Mazzini 14, 6900 Lugano alias criminalissima Wmo Sa Panama e criminalissimo blog Mercato "Merdato" Libero. Multa connessa a sua mega frode sul fotovoltaico.
    Mega frode Che solo a me ( ma anche a Saverio Aiolfi di Parma
    e tantissime persone di tutta Italia e mezza Europa), ha portato via 1.400.000 euro: quasi tutto quello che avevo.
    Condannato al carcere in Brasile, otto anni di galera sentenziatissimi. Per pedofilia omosessuale, furto, truffa, minacce di morte, tentativi di estorsione uniti a stalking via internet, riciclaggio di soldi mafiosi, propaganda razzista, propaganda nazifascista. Ecco i links di inizio indagine. Ora vi e' la sentenza. E' scappato da Porto Seguro di notte, in pieno carnevale 2011, per fuggire a processo e galera ( ed ovviamente, da allora, di piedi in Brasile non ne ha mai piu' messi: perbacco che coincidenzuzza bedda). Fate voi di che schifoso topo di fogna parliamo quando parliamo di sto colerico ratto criminalissimo che da sempre e' Paolo Barrai (o ratto criminalissimo "Paolo Pietro Barrai" come si e' fatto chiamare in Brasile... per vigliacchissimamente depistare Google)

  2. 2
    Condannato al carcere a Milano ad inizio anni 2000. "Il funzionario di Citibank in grossi guai" come da finale del seguente articolo era assolutissimamente lui.
    Cacciato a sberle, poi, da Citibank e fatto condannare al carcere da stessa Citibank.
    Il, vi assicuro, pure frequentissimo mandante di omicidi, Paolo Barrai, e' uno degli assolutissimi "suicidatori" di David Rossi di Monte Paschi. Insieme ai criminali, killer, mega ricicla soldi mafiosi Silvio Berlusconi, Ennio Doris, Massimo Doris, Edoardo Lombardi, Ettore Parlato Soadafora, Oscar di Montigny di Banca Mediolanum. Fra il Giugno 2010 ed il Marzo 2011 ( allorche' David Rossi fu prima ferito a morte nel suo ufficio, prima, tagliandogli le vene, poi colpendolo al cranio con un aggeggio in ferro, massonico, con punta triangolare, giungente direttamente da H-Ar-d-Core, di proprieta' di Al Capone misto ad Adolf Hitler, Silvio Berlusconi...... per, solo poi, far volare David Rossi stesso dalla finestra) vi era una furibonda guerra di Seo, Search Engine Optimization, fra i bastardi, malavitosi, killer vertici di Finnvest, Mediaset e Banca Mediolanum ( che da dieci anni usano come loro mega ricicla soldi omicida e gangster via internet, questo verme davvero cattivo, davvero bastardo, davvero satan-azista di Paolo Barrai di cui sto scrivendo.. vero e proprio sicario sangunario di assolute Ovra e Gestapo, sia pubbliche che private, del nazimafioso, stragista, pedofilo Silvio Berlusconi) e David Rossi ( ovviamente, lui, per conto della sua banca). Ho varie testimonianze a proposito di come sto frequente mandante di omicidi di Paolo Barrai, dicesse spessissimo, ben appunto, fra il Giugno 2010 ed il Marzo 2011, al telefono e di persona: " abbiamo due persone da far ammazzare al piu' presto, David Rossi di Monte Paschi, che stiam cercando di distruggere via internet, e quel genio borsistico, pero' troppo intelligente ed anti Berlusconiano per i nostri gusti, di Michele Nista, che da Londra, avendo mollato il mio blog, avendolo privato delle sue vincentissime previsioni borsistiche, lo sta ora facendo sprofondare". David Rossi di Monte Paschi fu assolutissimamente fatto ammazzare dagli assassini Silvio Berlusconi, Oscar di Montigny, Ennio Doris, Massimo Doris di Banca Mediolanum piu' altra parte di gang in cravatta, prima citata, insime a loro gangster omicida Paolo Barrai di criminalissima Bsi Italia srl, criminalissima World Man Opportuinites Lugano alias criminalissima Wmo sa Panama. Leggete con quale crudelta', sto ratto di fogna assassino di Paolo Barrai stesso, festeggia qui, la loro "suicidatassassina" di David Rossi. Urlando che fu "giusta cosa che David Rossi morisse ed in detta maniera" ( firmando il loro omicidio, di fatto) e spingendo disumanissimamente, financo, a non partecipare, ai di lui, funerali. E/o di come odiava e ridicolizzava David Rossi stesso, da vivo:
    (vi sono ancora tantissimi links a proposito che potrete trovare googlando Mercato Libero David Rossi)
