Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sariah recieves the 8th letter

 Sorry the pic isn't the best, I don't have too many pictures of Sariah :/

Oh dearest Sariah,
Well hasn't this year just been grand? Hahaha, yes it has :) We've had soooo much fun this past year! Especially in ballroom! Ha, remember that person that just kept getting in the way for you and Duncan? And when you called him out on it, that was actually really funny. Oh haha, remember that one time when we were messing around and I accidentally dropped you? Or when I gave you a piggy back and we both tried drinking out of the fountain. Epic fail the first time! Hahahaha.
Morp was a lot of fun! We had a great time! Haha, remember when we would play tag during all the slow songs, that was fun. Oh and when you started making fun of how somebody was dancing (you know, the one who kept getting in the way during ballroom). You looked pretty funny when you were doing that though! Haha. It seriously was a great night!
It hasn't just been this year that has been fun, last year was great too! Even though you always pushed me into Texas!!! Gosh, Sariah! Oh my gosh, when you called Texas my cupcake and that he had come out of the oven and was still hot and all that. Oh my. Wow. Haha. I'm so embarrassed that you even said that! Gosh. You are crazy. Hahaha.
However, you do make me laugh and always brighten my day! You are such a joy and I have loved being your friend. I know that things were really rough during part of 7th grade and most of 8th, but I am so glad that we were able to get past that and become such great friends! You, Madilyne and I will forever be the "Three Amigos!" Haha. We always have so much fun together, and ballroom this year is going to be great since all three of us will be in it. Hehehe. It's definitely going to be a year we won't forget, that's for sure!
Sariah, thanks for always being there for me. You are an amazing friend. I remember one day when I was having a rough day, but wasn't wanting anybody to notice, you and Sydney noticed right off the bat that something was up. You have always known when I was having a hard time and you always would do your best to cheer me up.
You have always supported me with drama. You've come to my shows, and I want to thank you for that. It always helps me when I have friends who are supporting me with what I do, so thank you for all the support you have given me.
You are so sweet, and so funny. You actually help me out a lot. I love talking with you and hearing what you have to say. I do take your opinion to heart a lot. You are so amazing!
Thank you for sharing all the good times with me this past year. Like when you took my phone and started texting that one person. Oh wow. That was actually really funny. We really have had a lot of good memories, tons of laughs, great talks, and just an amazing year! I want to thank you for being a part of band with me. You always made me laugh in that class and it was such a joy having you and Madilyne in it. I don't know if I could have survived it without you two! You always said funny things........haha.... :D Anyways, thank you!
Sariah, I hope you know how much you have helped me out. You have been such a great friend, supportive and kind, even if things weren't always going smoothly with other people. You were always there to help me through it. Thank you for being a great friend and for always making me laugh. I seriously have had a great time this year, and you are a big reason why! Thanks for all you have done. I hope for us to always be friends and I bet you are rocking those new braces you got today :D Love ya girl!

Your little ballroom dancing friend,
Alissa Lopez

Monday, July 30, 2012

7th letter goes to....OQUENDO!

My 7th letter goes out to my old drama teacher, my old director, my friend...Mr. Oquendo!

Dear Quendo,
Hey, it's been awhile since we've talked. We still need to plan our cast party...haha. Anyways, I want to thank you for the opportunity you gave me this past year. I was so happy to be your Student Director, and I learned so much. The cast, they were great and I love them all. I don't know if I mentioned this to you before, but I really think that being a part of the show helped me for my One Act auditions, and I want to thank you for that. It was such a great experience. I love being part of a show, and it was great being such a big part of it. I truly was blessed, and it taught me soooo much! I can't wait for your future plays, I will always step in to help when ya need it. You know that.
I'm glad I could also help you with Honk Jr. this year. I wasn't planning on doing spotlight, I had never done it before, but it was good learning something new. I learned a lot from that show as well, like being a techie. It was something I didn't have experience with, and was something different, but I was grateful to learn it. It helped me out for when I would become your Student Director later on, I just didn't know it at the time.
Mr. Oquendo, I never told you this. You really helped me with wanting to keep going on with plays and drama. I have always enjoyed plays, and as a little girl I had always wanted to be a part of them. I tried out in my elementary school musical, but had not made it the two years I tried out. When I was in 7th grade and it came time for the musical at Lakeridge, I didn't want to try out. I was afraid of trying out again. Even though I did want to be a part of it, I thought I was done with Drama. I didn't want to be a part of it anymore. However, that soon changed. In 8th grade, I didn't sign up for Drama, but the school just put me in the class. I'm really grateful that they did. You helped me out in drama class to help me realize that I still loved doing drama. When it came time for the musical tryouts, I was afraid, but decided I'd go ahead and just try out.
It was a joy being part of Beauty and the Beast Jr. I had so much fun, and it made me want to keep coming back. You made me realize how much I love the stage! Ninth grade, there was no doubt in my mind when it came to tryouts. I was going to do it. And I was grateful for being a part of that musical too. Even more than you know! And you helped me a lot that year too. Thanks!
I was grateful that I could still be a part of your plays this year too. Not only because I could bug Carissa during Honk. Hahaha. But I learned a lot from you.
Quendo, thank you for also be a HUGE help when things got rough with my friend. And you helped me realize how childish I had been and that things just needed time to work out. Thank you for being a great friend to me and giving me advice when I need it. Also, thanks for the great memories!
Hahaha. Like all the songs you made up. Even that one song that was sad about that "certain somebody" who didn't notice me as anything but a friend. I loved your little songs! Hahaha. And that one day when I showed you Pinteret. Ha, and you and Chris were making fun of me and Gabby.
Once again, thank you for all you have taught me. I know I still have lots to learn, but thank you for being my teacher! Thanks for letting me be your Student Director. Thank you for being a friend. Just thank you! I'll hopefully be around for your next play. I'm always here ready to help! Hahaha. Oh, and I was serious earlier...we really do need to plan that cast party. I've had people ask me when we were going to do it. Hahaha, so we should sometime plan it. Thanks for everything! 

Your "Student Assistant Director,"
Alissa Lopez 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Onto the 6th letter out of 24 of them

Dear April,
The first memory I have of you was in young women's when we were doing a camp meeting for my first year. There were no seats and I remember either you sat on my lap, or I sat on your lap. Haha...I can't remember. I had no idea who you were, yet you (or I whichever it was) sat on my (or your) lap, and we have been friends ever since! Hahaha.
April, oh my. You are such a great friend! I want to thank you for all the rides you have given me. I can't thank you enough and I feel like I am in debt to you. Thank you so much for all the days you took me to Lakeridge when I needed to go, but it was too cold, or I was in too much pain or was running late. Thank you for taking me to Jeremy's viewing. It was so nice to have you there with me as well. Thank you for the rides to school when I was running late. Really, just thank you for all of the rides! You are truly amazing and I'm so grateful for all you have done for me.
Oh my, I remember in my 7th and 8th grade years, at the bus stop. That was always fun. Hahaha. And then we always had the same seats on the bus. Haha, oh gosh. It's weird to think about all that, it seems so long ago, but at the same time it feels like it was just yesterday!
April, we've had many fun memories. Especially camp, not just this year (even though you were only there for a day), but also last year when you came, and also the first year. I remember last year when Gabby and I took what was, your bucket? I'm pretty sure that was it. Anyways, when she and I took it around camp and took pictures of it in different places, like the shower. Hahaha. And then we wrote a letter as if the bucket was telling you all the adventures it had had that day. Haha that was fun.
I've had a lot of fun with you, but I've also learned a lot. You have always been an example to me. The strength you have shown in deciding to be baptized, it's incredible. I look up to you a lot. Your opinion means a lot to me. You are such a great example; I know many other people look up to you as well. You really do show a lot of strength. It's incredible all that you have done. April, thank you for being such a great example to me.
April, you are such a joy in people's lives. I don't know what I'd do without you. You have brought smiles on my face, you have helped me through things, and you always have great advice! I want to thank you for helping me out with "you know who" this past summer. You know how difficult it's been on me and how hurt I was. Thank you for being a friend I could turn to. One who would listen, and give me advice. Thank you.
You are here for a reason April. God sees your efforts and I know He is watching over you. April, I love how you "dare to do what's right, even if it means standing alone." (See that...my talk...hehe). Like I said, you are an example. Thank you for not being afraid to share you light with others. Your efforts are seen. Even if those people don't accept your offers, Heavenly Father knows you are trying and He blesses you for it. I can just imagine Heavenly Father smiling, and giving you a huge hug on your return home to Him. I know He is proud of you. I hope you know how much He loves you. He is always there for you! I love ya April! May we forever be friends.

Friends for life,
Alissa Lopez ♥

Saturday, July 28, 2012

24 Letters Challenge...on my 5th letter

My 5th letter goes out to one of the closest friends, one who has stuck by me for years, Sydney :)

Dear Sydney,
Oh my. We've been friends for so long :) Let's see, probably about 10 years. Wow. I believe we met through Gabby, when I had moved here. I didn't realize then, how much you would mean to me. I remember in 3rd grade when we made that deal with each other that we would be talk-to-buddies. :) We promised we would always go to each other to talk, tell our secrets and just listen to each other. You were the first person I can remember trusting so much. We told each other everything. We always have, and I know that I can always trust you. I have never lost trust in you and I think it's because of that promise we made to each other as little girls.
Sydney, I've seen many people walk out of my life, but you haven't. Even when things were really rough, you were still there. You always are. Thank you for being that friend, the one I can always trust, one I can go to for advice, one who will tell me I'm doing something wrong, one who doesn't judge me like others, one who always defends me, one who always is there.
When I need somebody, you are always there, already ready. Even when I've broken down and cried, you have always helped me and made me feel better. You know how hard it is for me to tell people how I really am feeling. You know that I can fake it, yet you can still tell when something is off. You realize when I'm lying to everybody about being fine. You know when I need some space, you just know.
I think it's been because of how our friendship works. We are always there for each other. I listen, you listen. We both give and receive from each other. Our friendship has been the strongest relationship I've ever had in my life that has lasted for so long. It's actually taught me that friendships can work out. I've had many friendships that have been like roller coasters, ones that have broken, ones that have failed and ones that have hardly lasted. I've been torn between friends before, yet our friendship has never had that issue and we have always prevailed. I don't know how, I can't explain it, but it has lasted, and I'm so grateful it has. I don't know what I'd do without ya Sydney! You forever have impacted my life. I will never be the same. You have taught me so much throughout the years.
You're example, your advice, all of it has helped me throughout the years. Especially this past year. You know how hard it's been this year for me. I did break down more than I ever wanted to, you learned things about me that you never knew I was holding back on. Yet you still showed me love and you still were a great friend. Sydney, you are a true friend.
Sydney, I never thanked you for the letter you gave to me last year when I was having a hard time. Thank you for your kind words, thank you for helping me with trying harder. Thank you for making me feel like a part of young women's when you knew I didn't feel like I was. Thank you for understanding me and the choices I have made. Thank you for redirecting me when I have made wrong decisions. Thank you, for everything.
Also, thank you for all the amazing memories! I love our talks after young women's at your house. Ballroom was great with you this past year, and I always enjoyed it with you! I loved girl's camp with you this year. You know how hard it was for me with being with everybody, yet you helped me through the whole thing. And just so you know, we totally are pro at canoeing now! Haha. But remember how you brought up that one year when we made each other those promises for the year in the canoe? Well I'm telling you my promise for this year (even though we aren't in the canoes). I promise to reach out to others more this year and hopefully impact their life in some way, as you have done in mine.
Sydney, I love how we can be so serious one minute, and totally silly the next. Haha, remember youth conference when you were translating my dream? Hahaha. "Is the bomb alright?" Oh gosh, I was sooooo tired that night. Oh and then Aysha's birthday party this past year. You frightened me to death!!! I was sooo afraid of what was behind that door. And then when you had me go by the air conditioner by the window...I was so scared!!! Hahaha. That was a fun night :) Remember girl's camp that one year...the one with the bear? What year was that? Our 3rd year? Well anyways, the one where we got frightened by Nikki. Hahaha. I almost peed my pants!!!
Which reminds me of that one quote! "Friendship is like peeing in your pants, everybody can see it, but only you can feel its true warmth!" Hahaha, oh how I know you love that quote! Hehehe ;)
Hahahahahaha, I just remembered your all time favorite quote I used to say, "It was soft, smooth and muscular." Hehehe, I totally forgot about that till now. I wonder if you can remember it. You had told me that I needed to stop saying it cuz I would say it too much and it was annoying to you. Haha. Oh wow.
These past, what...10(?) years have been great! I know you have been put in my life for a reason. God knew I would need you! He knew that you were going to be the one to help me to be able to trust others. I have an issue with that because my trust with others have been broken so many times, and He put you in my life to let me know there are people I can trust. Thank you so much for everything Sydney. I want you to know, you know I'm always here for you. You know I will always listen, I will try to help you with anything. I meant what I said about the crying thing. And just in case, I will repeat it :)
"Although you may want to cry, maybe there is a reason why you don't. I didn't think of this earlier, but sometimes crying, yes...it shows strength, but I think those who don't cry at times when it would be easier, also shows strength. Sometimes people need others that don't cry to keep them together. Sydney, you're a very close friend and I do have to admit, I feel weak crying and knowing that you can hold from crying, even if you want to...that's true strength and I look up to you for it."
When I have cried, what keeps me together are those who can hold back their tears. It shows me strength. Sydney, I'm sure God has a reason to why you feel like you can't cry, even though you do want to. There is a reason for everything.
Sydney, thank you once again for everything. Thanks for being a HUGE part of my life. I know we will always be friends, no matter what life tosses at us. We have stuck with each other for this long, we can keep going. Thank you for everything, I can't say it enough! I love ya, you are like a sister to me and one of my closest friends. I don't know what I'd do without you, you have strengthened me so much. You've lifted me up, helped me, taught me, been a true friend, trusted me, EVERYTHING! I have never met anybody like you! You are unique, you are special, you are you. You are amazing, never forget it! You are loved by many, you are looked up to, you are an example and our Father in Heaven is so proud of you! I know He is smiling down on you. He has given you people in your life to help you. He will always be there for you. He loves you, forever and always! I love ya Sydney! Thank you so much for all you do. I can't wait to see how our lives turn out! Thanks for all the joy you have brought to me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Love ya Sydney! :D

Your "talk-to-buddy,"
Alissa A'Lynn Lopez ♥

Friday, July 27, 2012

24 Letters

Hey guys! So just to tell you...this one will be a long post and I'll explain why. So as a lot of you know, I love doing challenges, and this year I wanted to make it the year of challenges. I've done no makeup, my braid challenge, no Pinterest challenge...and really that's not a lot so I need to do another one. My next challenge I'm working on is called, "24 Letters." What I do is write a letter everyday to somebody, it can be anyone. So I started this like 3 days ago and I'm going to post my letters on here (I also post them on FB), but yeah. So today's post, it's going to have 4 letters on it, which is why this one is going to be a long post. Anyways, I'll just start on the letters now! :D

Dear Dad, 
Hey, it's your little girl. This is kind of odd writing to you, but yeah. Daddy, I want you to know that I love you. I know you watch over me while you are up in heaven. I feel you near me at times. I remember my baptism and how I felt your arms around me. I remember one night, when I really needed somebody and I could feel you there. I have always felt you near me. I know you are happy on the other side. Daddy, I miss you though. I know I didn't have a big chance to know you, but the memories I have of you, I cherish. Like the time you made me upset and I wouldn't talk to you. You tickled me and made me laugh. I remember that the most, and it's my favorite memory of you. Dad, I wish I could of had more of a chance to know you. 
I want you to know, I look up to you and your strength you had. You were a convert, and I can't imagine what that's like. I was lucky to have such a great dad like you. Yes, I know you had your mistakes, but we all do. I don't know how many mistakes I have had. Mistakes don't make somebody a bad person though. I think you were the kind of person who learned from those mistakes which you made. That's what I think.
Daddy, like I've said, I really do wish I would have had more of a chance to get to know you. Or at least, I wish I had more memories of you. I hate the fact that I was only given 5 years and wasn't left with much memories, while Heather on the other hand was given like 10 years of memories. But I do feel lucky with the memories I have, I feel awful that Mandy can't remember you. I wish she could remember you.
I really do wish she could.
Dad, you aren't like other dads. You never say 'good morning.' I never see your smiling face. I never hear if you are proud of me or hear anything for that matter. You never come home from work, you never give me any advice. I never hear you tell me that everything is going to be okay. I don't have a dad like that. But I've got something better. I've got an angel as my dad. One who is there, always watching over me. One who I know loves me no matter what.
Dad, I love you. I always have, and I always will. 
Dad, I know I have a new step-father but I want you to know that I will never forget you. You will always be in my mind, always there, always. You will never leave me, I know that. I will never let you go, Daddy. I always think of you when I pass by purple pansies. I always think of you when Sandra asks for butterfly kisses. I always think of you when I listen to the song "Butterfly Kisses." I think of you every time I feel alone. You are always there. Even when I felt like nobody else was with me, I know you were. When I felt like nobody cared, nobody would listen, in the back of my mind I knew you did. It's been so hard, Daddy. When it was the hardest, you know what night I'm talking about, I could feel your arms wrap around me. Even though I can't see you, I know you are with me.
I never plan on letting you go. I will always be your little girl. I love you more than anything and I cannot wait til we meet again. Oh how great that day will be when I can run into your arms. I can't wait to see your smiling face. I hope to make you proud daddy. I want to live a life where I have made you proud. I love you daddy, today, tomorrow, and always.

Forever you little girl,
Alissa Lopez ♥

Dear Heather,
Wow, where do I start? It's crazy thinking how old we both are now. I can't believe you're 21 out on your mission. I remember that day when we were just at home and we were singing that primary song, "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission," and you had changed it to fit you. Haha, that was a great day. We've had many great days. Even when you broke my nose. Haha. Thinking back, it's actually really funny how it all happened. I can't believe that I sat just picking grass, I thought I would have been safe because Mandy was in the way...boy was I wrong! I remember crying and Carissa was crying too because I was crying. And then when you tried to cover it all up before mom came home. That was funny. I guess you didn't do too well of hiding it, because right when mom saw it she asked what happened. Hahaha, and then I started crying again. Wow, that was a crazy day. Haha.
I always remember the fights we had, and how they seemed to always bring us closer somehow. We would get into HUGE fights, yet we still grew closer to each other. Heather, I know you care about me. I've noticed it these past few years. I've seen how you worry about me, like with my eating habits. You worry about how I keep things to myself. You worry about me. I know you do, and I want to thank you for it. As you have been on your mission, I've realized what a big part of my life you are. I feel like I've taken you for granted for the past 16 years. I'm sorry for any pain I caused you. I love you, I hope you know that.
I know being 5 years apart has been somewhat hard for me to be able to connect with you. I could never understand what you were going through because it would take 5 years before I could even begin to understand. I see things differently now. I remember being little and how you were in charge and thinking that I hated having you in charge. But I think differently of it now. I now know how hard it is, watching over people, being the one in charge, the example. It's so hard and I've broken down so many times because I sometimes feel like I can't do it anymore. I feel like I haven't been a good example to Carissa and Mandy and it's hard. I feel like you were better cut out for it.
Heather, I want you to know, you have been such a great example to me. I look up to you all the time. The way you did take care of us, I am so grateful for it. You are a big part of who I am today. You were one of the people who have shaped me into the person I am now. I can't thank you enough. Thank you for the example you have set for me. You truly are a wonderful sister.
As you have been out on your mission, I've realized how much I do rely on you. It's been hard because I can't just text you or talk to you when I need you. I have to wait, and it's hard on me. It's made me realize that I look to you a lot for advice. I love our talks Heather. I remember when we went to Paris's Farewell and you took me in the truck. That was one of the best days with you. Just you driving me around, talking, laughing. I also remember the first time you took me out on your Mo-ped. Oh my gosh, that was scary! Haha. You kept hitting my helmet with yours and making the ride scary for me on purpose because you knew I would get scared easily. Haha, but it was fun.
And when you took me to Mountain View for my show, I remember that. I don't think I ever thanked you for that. So, thanks. Even though I froze, I was so grateful that you came through for me and took me when mom couldn't. You've done that a lot. You are always there for me. I don't know what I'd do without you. You so great Heather. I love you with all my heart! Thank you for all the memories from the past 16 years. They are so great, and I love them. I smile thinking of all the great times we had, playing pat-a-cake, laughing, talking about triangles when we're tired, our drives with each other, our little night parties we had when mom was gone, everything. It's been great. All of it. And I couldn't ask for a better older sister, one who has taught me about life, love and so much more. You truly are a great daughter of God and I know not only our Father in Heaven is proud of you, but Dad is very proud of you, as am I. I love you, and I will always need you. Thank you for everything Heather. I couldn't be happier having such a great older sister like you. I love you always! Remember that! Thank you so much for everything, I really do love and care for you.

Forever your sister,
Alissa Lopez ♥

Dear Halle,
Hey, so I just want to start out by saying how great this past year has been! You seriously are a great friend, my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you! You keep me from going too insane, you always have my back, and I can trust you.
Yeah, we have had our fights, but we stick with each other in the end. When things get rough, we take the time to talk things out and become even better friends, which I like about our friendship. I've never had a friend like you, and I'm so grateful for having you as my friend.
I'm so glad I got the courage to talk to you that day in P.E....even if you thought I was some crazy girl. Haha. I seriously thought you were going to be some shy girl, but boy was I wrong. Haha, you are great though. :D
Haha, I remember at your birthday party when we watched that scary movie, I was frightened to walk home, and you didn't want to be alone. Haha, so I just slept over at your house. Haha, thinking back at that movie...it's not as scary as I made it seem like that night. Haha. Oh well...I'm just like that. Like with the movie from when we went to Stasia's house. Oh my gosh, I was sooo scared, haha you were too, but now that I've seen it a few times, it really isn't that scary.
I loved having English with you last year. It was fun and I always had somebody to talk with. Although...after a while, things did get a little weird in that class. Which you started! Haha. Okay, I'll take part of the blame, but still :P
Halle, thank you for always being somebody I can trust. Trust is a big deal to me. I've had a lot of trouble with it in the past, and when I find somebody I can trust, it means a lot to me. I know I can always trust you, and I want to thank you for that.
I also want to thank you for always having my back. I can always count on you being there to stand up for me. Like with 'you know who' this summer. Thank you for all that you said to try to keep them off my back. Thank you for defending me and thank you for helping me feel better about it. It's a rare thing to find true friends and I have been blessed with so many of them. Thank you so much for sticking with me.
Oh gosh, all the fun we've had this past year. It's been one of the best years. We've had many laughs and lots of teasing each other...and slapping, my slap buddy :P Haha.
When we got into that huge fight last year, I was afraid we would never get past it. I tend to let my anger get to me and take over, as I'm sure you've seen many times, and I was afraid I took it too far and it would have costed me my best friend. I'm so grateful that we were able to talk it out and learn from it. That's a true friend, and it made me realize what a great friend you really are.
Even seeing how you still want to be friends with that certain girl, how you keep reaching out to her, even if she shuts you down. That shows me that you care about your friends. You are a genuine girl and like I've said, a great friend. Not only to me, but to others around you.
Halle, thank you so much for everything. I don't know what I'd do without you. You are simply amazing. I don't know how life will turn out, but you have changed how I look at things. You are a big part of my life, after all, you are my best friend, my long lost twin :)
You seriously have just been there for me a lot this past year. When things got hard, you were there. When I broke down, you helped pick up the pieces. When I thought I couldn't handle it anymore, you helped me through it. You are my best friend. I will never forget you, no matter what.
I hope I have been just a good a friend to you, as you have been to me. I am always here for you Halle, I will always listen. When you need to talk, I'll always be here. You know that. Thank you so much for the memories you have given me. It's great looking back at all we've been through together. We've had a lot of fun, and I'm sure there is more to come :D There better be!
As you know, I'm a quote fanatic, so I just want to leave you with some quotes that I like. Thank you so much for everything Halle. You will never be forgotten, I hope you know that :)
"Sometimes we say we hate each other, or we get in stupid fights, but in the end I know you and I will always be friends."
"Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say." -Anonymous
"What is a friend? A friend is someone who you think your life would be different if they didn't exist. A friend is someone who never leaves you out, you are always included when you are with them. A friend is there for you no matter what." -Unknown
"Don't ever be afraid to come to me and cry. Don't ever hesitate to look me in the eye. Don't ever be afraid to tell me how you feel. Remember your my girl and we gotta keep it real." -Ashley Upchurch
Once again, thanks Halle. Thanks for always being there, even if I felt broken. Thanks for always lifting me up and making me feel better. Thanks for just being there, being a true friend, being my best friend. I love ya, and I thank you for everything. You are my bestie, and I'll always be here for ya! I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us, it shall be an adventure :P

Your twin,
Alissa Lopez ♥

Dear Madilyne,
Hey, so as you know it's your birthday! Wow, it's weird to think that we are both this old now! I remember when I met you, we were like 12. Haha, that seems so long ago. Madilyne, I know we had a rough spot at one point, but I'm so glad we got through it. Really I am, not only because we are such great friends now, but also because I wouldn't have met such a great person had we not been friends. ;) And I would be missing out on a lot if we weren't friends, so I'm really glad we are friends! :DDD
You are such a sweet girl, Madilyne! You are so nice all the time. Seriously, and I know you are one of those who I can trust. I have shared many things with you and I know you have kept them all still. When I needed advice, you could give me some. Thanks for all that, you truly are just amazing! :D
Oh gosh, let's take a little stroll through memory lane, shall we? Haha, there have been quite a few good memories we've had. Like your bedroom, haha just kidding. But really that one day when I was over and I was looking at your yearbook...hm. Wow. Haha. And then there was always lunch time, great times. Haha, I loved our little walks around the school. Especially that one time when we were on the stairs and Sariah called out to that one person (you know who I'm talking about), and you just booked it up the stairs. Hahahaha. That was awesome. Oh my gosh, remember when Sariah was texting that same person on my phone that one day!!! Wow, that was weird. I still have their number in my phone! I think I told you about the random text I got from them that one day at lunch. Hahaha. Wow. We've had lots of laughs this past year. Band wouldn't have been the same without you or Sariah. I am so glad you were a part of my last year in band. It wouldn't have been as fun without you! You always made me laugh, especially when me and Sariah would awkwardly stare at you. Hahaha. 
Madilyne, I hope you know that you really are one of my closest friends. This past year, you have stuck by me a lot and we've had lots of fun. I don't know what I would do if we weren't friends! I have no idea how different my life would be. I'm grateful for our friendship and the life it has lead me too. I would not be the same had we not been friends. You are such a unique girl! You are so sweet, kind, and loving to like everyone! Seriously!!! I don't remember ever hearing that you hate somebody, thinking about, really I can't think of a time you've said you hated somebody. That is just amazing!
Madilyne, you are a great example to me. I hope you know that I actually look up to you and the example you set. Like I've said, you are such a great girl and you're really sweet. And seriously, if I ever heard somebody saying otherwise, I wouldn't believe it. You've lived a life where if anybody were to say anything bad about you, it would be hard to believe, and that's incredible. I want to live a life like that. I really do look up to you though! You're sweet spirit and you forgiving manner. I can't believe how lucky I am to have such a great friend like you! You have strengthened me a lot this past year and have made me want to become a better person.
I hope that we can always be friends! You have taught me so much in just this past year, and I know you will continue to teach me more. Thank you for reaching out to me and being such a great friend, thank you for always being there for no matter what. You really are a great friend and you are like a walking definition of what a friend should be like. Thank you for teaching me so much, thank you for all the laughs we've shared and all the memories we have. I'm so excited to see what this year has in store for us, I can tell it will be a great year and there are going to be many more memories this year (ballroom). Thank you for everything Maddie-kins! :P Hehe, but seriously, I can't say thank you enough. I hope you realize how much of an impact you have had on my life. May you find such great joy in this life. I always wish you the best. Happy birthday Madilyne! I hope today is filled with joy, laughter, and such sweet memories! You deserve it! Have a wonderful birthday, girly! I love ya and I hope we may always be friends :)

Fluting together forever,
Alissa Lopez ♥

Monday, July 23, 2012

Camp...Our Happily Ever After

Oh my crazynessofalife. Camp this year was just amazing! I had so much fun! I learned a lot and I was so happy with the outcome of camp. It was seriously so great! This post is going to be a long one....haha

The first day we had waterfront and me and Sydney are pro at canoeing!

Tuesday we also did our confidence course. We did pretty bad. Haha. We kept just giving up on a lot of them. I think we only completed one of the courses. Haha.
Picture taken by Emily Patterson

Me and Gabby working on one of the courses. It's a wire attached to two tree stumps. We're trying to get to the other side with just holding onto each other.
Picture taken by Emily Patterson

And we fail. Haha. But we made it the furthest!
Picture taken by Emily Patterson

That's Zoe and Katherine falling. I thought it was a fun picture. Haha. There are more from the girls trying but we all failed. Like I said, me and Gabby made it the closest.
Picture taken by Emily Patterson

 Wednesday we had a sunrise hike. This was such a great experience! We actually got up so that we could see the sunrise while hiking and it was amazing! Also all the YCL's all ran ahead of everybody and lined up along the trail (at the hardest part of the hike) and sang a song as the others hiked up it. It was so cool.
Picture taken by Melissa Van Denover

After we reached the top, all the YCL's led the girls in our theme song for this year, "Happily Ever After." Amanda and I played our flutes for it. It turned out pretty good. After that, we ate our breakfast up there. Yummy! Haha :)
Picture taken by Jenny Christensen

Later that night we also did skits. My ward based our skit off of "The Princess and the Pea." Each ward had a fairy tale, and that was ours. I was the prince. Haha :) That's me carrying my "princess" off to get married in the temple! Hahaha.
Picture taken by Emily Patterson

Thursday we had Value Night. It was sooo good and really amazing. It was really cool at the end. My group was the closest to the pavilion, which is where we were all going to meet after all the YCL's talked to each group. Since we were the closest, they had us leave last. As we waited for the other groups to pass, we sang "Come, Come Ye Saints." It looked really cool watching all the girls walk by with their lights shining as we sang. It was such a great experience.

Friday was a great day too. We had our bishopric come up. We did a 3-legged race with each of the wards. My ward didn't win, but we didn't lose and it was a lot of fun!
Picture taken by Melissa Van Denover

After our 3-legged race, we went out canoeing with the bishopric, and did the confidence courses with them too. We cheated on one of the courses...the spider web one. We started out good, but then we kind of gave up and just cheated. Haha. We aren't the best ward...we're known as the rebel ward anyways. Hahaha.

Our bishop on the spider web confidence course
Picture taken by Emily Patterson

While canoeing with our bishopric, they decided to soak us. So we were so soaked. But oh my gosh. It was so much fun! I'm in the middle of the green canoe...getting super wet!
Picture taken by Melissa Van Denover

Haha, we're getting out. I'm sooo wet and cold!
Picture taken by Melissa Van Denover

And after we are all out, we are so wet, and super cold. Like I said though, it was so much fun!!!
Picture taken by Melissa Van Denover

So that night we had our Testimony night, it was really great. I love testimony night. It's one of my favorite parts of camp. It was a lot of fun, and this year was one of my favorite years up at camp. It was so great being a YCL and I had a lot of fun. I'll miss it all though. Getting soaked by the bishop, getting stuck in a HUGE rainstorm, tripping over everything, making a sundial, being a YCL, singing around the lake and so much more. It was a blast! But it's great being home again. I've missed people ;)

Cherry Hill 1st Ward! We are amazing!!!!
(Not sure who took this picture...I think it was Emily Patterson)

Here's a quick summary of camp. Like I keep saying, it seriously was so much fun! Thanks everybody who made it so great! Love you all!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Almost gone...

Hey guys,  I just wanted to update ya really quick! I won't update ya on my life right now, cuz I have to do this super fast. Anyways, I will be gone for the rest of this week. I'm going to Girl's Camp! I will make sure that once I've showered and unpacked, I will update you all. I wish I could make this longer, but I like I said I have to hurry. I still have some things I need to do before I leave in a few hours! Ah! Yeah, I procrastinated on a few things. Hopefully, I'll get them all done in about an hour! Wish me luck on that. I'll write back at the end of the week! Miss and love you all!
-Alissa :D

Friday, July 6, 2012

Another week of summer gone

Well Happy late Fourth of July! My Fourth of July was so great. I had no plans for anything, but you know, it was still a great day. I had a dinner with my family in the evening and then went and watched fireworks from the Stadium of Fire. It was really great. What could make that day better? Well getting to talk to Andrew :) Yes, that was great. He's back from his vacation, but we haven't been able to see each other yet. :/ Hopefully sometime soon.
Okay, so on Tuesdays I go to my school's summer seminary program and this week it was really good. I seriously loved the lesson that was taught. Brother Taeger was a great teacher and I learned a lot.
Oh so that whole thing I ranted on about a couple posts about...well that guy was talking to me again this week. Here's the thing...I was really hurt by things he said to me, and for the longest time I've been trying to forgive him. I can now tell you, I actually have. Last week I had the coolest thing happen to me. This guy was talking to me and was saying things to me once again, calling me things and I was really hurt. I had been trying to forgive him, but he wasn't making it any easier for me. That night I seriously I broke down. I prayed for help to be able to find forgiveness. I have never had a problem like this in forgiving somebody. This whole thing has been something I've never been through and I needed help because there was no way I could forgive him on my own. Well I went to bed in tears, but when I woke up, all the anger, hurt, and disappointment I had the night before was gone. I had peace and I had forgiven this person. Well like I said he started talking to me again this week, he was trying to apologize, but he's not the best at apologizing. Haha. Anyways, I told him that I had already forgiven him before he even apologized. Then he got after me because he thought that I couldn't possibly forgive him without him apologizing first. I told him that you don't need an apology to tell you it's okay to forgive. In fact this is exactly what I told him, "If you never apologized I could still forgive you for all you said. I don't need an apology to give me permission to forgive. God wants us to forgive when people have wronged us and sometimes that doesn't come with an apology. That's something you have to learn for yourself." Well this is what he said back to me, "You don't tell me what I need to learn mrs lies you can't forgive me without an apology. You need my permission." 
So I told him this, "D&C 64:9-10 'Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin. I, the Lord will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.' People wrong us all the time and sometimes they don't even realize it, but if we hold a grudge, we are the one with the greater sin. And if we wait for an apology to give us permission to forgive, then we are just sinning even more, we are commanded to forgive those people who hurt us, with or without an apology. If we don't, we are the one with the greater sin than the person who has wronged us. And God knows that it's hard to forgive, but He is there to help and I know that for a fact because He helped me to forgive you. I forgave you a while ago, without an apology because of God's help." Yeah, well it just kept going on cuz he was stuck on saying that I couldn't forgive him without an apology, but I have. I think he understands it a bit more now. 
Anyways, so this week I have been going crazy getting ready for Girl's Camp. I have to play my flute up at camp and I've been freaking out trying to learn the music. I keep getting frustrated with it because I have been having issues with not counting the music right. And I can be a perfectionist, so this is making me go crazy that I can't count it right. Plus, I'm playing with somebody else, and she is really good at the flute. So I'm nervous about that. Wish me luck on that. So I've been super busy planning all this stuff for camp and stuff. I have been looking up things for not only my ward, but I have been doing stuff for the whole stake since I am a YCL this year. And it's been harder than I thought because a lot of the girls have been slacking a little (don't get me wrong, they all are great and we all have lots of fun, but it seems like only a few of us are actually planning stuff). So that's been stressful. I'm really excited for camp though, and I can't wait for it. Hopefully, we will be able to go to the campsite we planned on, since there have been fires and the last group was evacuated cuz of it. But even if we can't, I'm still really excited! It will be fun. :)
Okay, well that's pretty much all that's going on right now, I'll try to remember to update ya next week! Love y'all! :D