Sunday, February 23, 2014

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

So this week is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. I am a huge supporter to those who are dealing with or who have dealt with an eating disorder. Eating disorders seem to always go unnoticed and it's a really big deal. They are dangerous. It's something that really needs attention and that's what this whole week is about. Each day this week is something that will help bring awareness to eating disorders. I invite you all to participate. I know the day is almost done but Sunday is all about spreading the awareness! There are many ways to do this...FB, Instagram, text, Twitter, blogs...anything really. And it doesn't take much. I've seen pictures all day just with little things about eating disorders posted on FB. One simple thing can lead to a big thing :)
If you are dealing with an eating disorder, I hope you find help. Don't be ashamed of it. You can live a happy and healthy life. If you know somebody dealing with an eating disorder, support them as they find help. They need a friend to count on them. Don't judge's a difficult thing to deal with. I love you all and I hope you all know how special I think you all are!
What each day is for this week :D

I'm participating in a campaign to help with eating
disorder awareness and this is my photo for it.
"Recovery is...being able to look
in the mirror and smile at what I see."

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