Friday, July 6, 2012

Another week of summer gone

Well Happy late Fourth of July! My Fourth of July was so great. I had no plans for anything, but you know, it was still a great day. I had a dinner with my family in the evening and then went and watched fireworks from the Stadium of Fire. It was really great. What could make that day better? Well getting to talk to Andrew :) Yes, that was great. He's back from his vacation, but we haven't been able to see each other yet. :/ Hopefully sometime soon.
Okay, so on Tuesdays I go to my school's summer seminary program and this week it was really good. I seriously loved the lesson that was taught. Brother Taeger was a great teacher and I learned a lot.
Oh so that whole thing I ranted on about a couple posts about...well that guy was talking to me again this week. Here's the thing...I was really hurt by things he said to me, and for the longest time I've been trying to forgive him. I can now tell you, I actually have. Last week I had the coolest thing happen to me. This guy was talking to me and was saying things to me once again, calling me things and I was really hurt. I had been trying to forgive him, but he wasn't making it any easier for me. That night I seriously I broke down. I prayed for help to be able to find forgiveness. I have never had a problem like this in forgiving somebody. This whole thing has been something I've never been through and I needed help because there was no way I could forgive him on my own. Well I went to bed in tears, but when I woke up, all the anger, hurt, and disappointment I had the night before was gone. I had peace and I had forgiven this person. Well like I said he started talking to me again this week, he was trying to apologize, but he's not the best at apologizing. Haha. Anyways, I told him that I had already forgiven him before he even apologized. Then he got after me because he thought that I couldn't possibly forgive him without him apologizing first. I told him that you don't need an apology to tell you it's okay to forgive. In fact this is exactly what I told him, "If you never apologized I could still forgive you for all you said. I don't need an apology to give me permission to forgive. God wants us to forgive when people have wronged us and sometimes that doesn't come with an apology. That's something you have to learn for yourself." Well this is what he said back to me, "You don't tell me what I need to learn mrs lies you can't forgive me without an apology. You need my permission." 
So I told him this, "D&C 64:9-10 'Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin. I, the Lord will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.' People wrong us all the time and sometimes they don't even realize it, but if we hold a grudge, we are the one with the greater sin. And if we wait for an apology to give us permission to forgive, then we are just sinning even more, we are commanded to forgive those people who hurt us, with or without an apology. If we don't, we are the one with the greater sin than the person who has wronged us. And God knows that it's hard to forgive, but He is there to help and I know that for a fact because He helped me to forgive you. I forgave you a while ago, without an apology because of God's help." Yeah, well it just kept going on cuz he was stuck on saying that I couldn't forgive him without an apology, but I have. I think he understands it a bit more now. 
Anyways, so this week I have been going crazy getting ready for Girl's Camp. I have to play my flute up at camp and I've been freaking out trying to learn the music. I keep getting frustrated with it because I have been having issues with not counting the music right. And I can be a perfectionist, so this is making me go crazy that I can't count it right. Plus, I'm playing with somebody else, and she is really good at the flute. So I'm nervous about that. Wish me luck on that. So I've been super busy planning all this stuff for camp and stuff. I have been looking up things for not only my ward, but I have been doing stuff for the whole stake since I am a YCL this year. And it's been harder than I thought because a lot of the girls have been slacking a little (don't get me wrong, they all are great and we all have lots of fun, but it seems like only a few of us are actually planning stuff). So that's been stressful. I'm really excited for camp though, and I can't wait for it. Hopefully, we will be able to go to the campsite we planned on, since there have been fires and the last group was evacuated cuz of it. But even if we can't, I'm still really excited! It will be fun. :)
Okay, well that's pretty much all that's going on right now, I'll try to remember to update ya next week! Love y'all! :D

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