Saturday, July 28, 2012

24 Letters Challenge...on my 5th letter

My 5th letter goes out to one of the closest friends, one who has stuck by me for years, Sydney :)

Dear Sydney,
Oh my. We've been friends for so long :) Let's see, probably about 10 years. Wow. I believe we met through Gabby, when I had moved here. I didn't realize then, how much you would mean to me. I remember in 3rd grade when we made that deal with each other that we would be talk-to-buddies. :) We promised we would always go to each other to talk, tell our secrets and just listen to each other. You were the first person I can remember trusting so much. We told each other everything. We always have, and I know that I can always trust you. I have never lost trust in you and I think it's because of that promise we made to each other as little girls.
Sydney, I've seen many people walk out of my life, but you haven't. Even when things were really rough, you were still there. You always are. Thank you for being that friend, the one I can always trust, one I can go to for advice, one who will tell me I'm doing something wrong, one who doesn't judge me like others, one who always defends me, one who always is there.
When I need somebody, you are always there, already ready. Even when I've broken down and cried, you have always helped me and made me feel better. You know how hard it is for me to tell people how I really am feeling. You know that I can fake it, yet you can still tell when something is off. You realize when I'm lying to everybody about being fine. You know when I need some space, you just know.
I think it's been because of how our friendship works. We are always there for each other. I listen, you listen. We both give and receive from each other. Our friendship has been the strongest relationship I've ever had in my life that has lasted for so long. It's actually taught me that friendships can work out. I've had many friendships that have been like roller coasters, ones that have broken, ones that have failed and ones that have hardly lasted. I've been torn between friends before, yet our friendship has never had that issue and we have always prevailed. I don't know how, I can't explain it, but it has lasted, and I'm so grateful it has. I don't know what I'd do without ya Sydney! You forever have impacted my life. I will never be the same. You have taught me so much throughout the years.
You're example, your advice, all of it has helped me throughout the years. Especially this past year. You know how hard it's been this year for me. I did break down more than I ever wanted to, you learned things about me that you never knew I was holding back on. Yet you still showed me love and you still were a great friend. Sydney, you are a true friend.
Sydney, I never thanked you for the letter you gave to me last year when I was having a hard time. Thank you for your kind words, thank you for helping me with trying harder. Thank you for making me feel like a part of young women's when you knew I didn't feel like I was. Thank you for understanding me and the choices I have made. Thank you for redirecting me when I have made wrong decisions. Thank you, for everything.
Also, thank you for all the amazing memories! I love our talks after young women's at your house. Ballroom was great with you this past year, and I always enjoyed it with you! I loved girl's camp with you this year. You know how hard it was for me with being with everybody, yet you helped me through the whole thing. And just so you know, we totally are pro at canoeing now! Haha. But remember how you brought up that one year when we made each other those promises for the year in the canoe? Well I'm telling you my promise for this year (even though we aren't in the canoes). I promise to reach out to others more this year and hopefully impact their life in some way, as you have done in mine.
Sydney, I love how we can be so serious one minute, and totally silly the next. Haha, remember youth conference when you were translating my dream? Hahaha. "Is the bomb alright?" Oh gosh, I was sooooo tired that night. Oh and then Aysha's birthday party this past year. You frightened me to death!!! I was sooo afraid of what was behind that door. And then when you had me go by the air conditioner by the window...I was so scared!!! Hahaha. That was a fun night :) Remember girl's camp that one year...the one with the bear? What year was that? Our 3rd year? Well anyways, the one where we got frightened by Nikki. Hahaha. I almost peed my pants!!!
Which reminds me of that one quote! "Friendship is like peeing in your pants, everybody can see it, but only you can feel its true warmth!" Hahaha, oh how I know you love that quote! Hehehe ;)
Hahahahahaha, I just remembered your all time favorite quote I used to say, "It was soft, smooth and muscular." Hehehe, I totally forgot about that till now. I wonder if you can remember it. You had told me that I needed to stop saying it cuz I would say it too much and it was annoying to you. Haha. Oh wow.
These past, what...10(?) years have been great! I know you have been put in my life for a reason. God knew I would need you! He knew that you were going to be the one to help me to be able to trust others. I have an issue with that because my trust with others have been broken so many times, and He put you in my life to let me know there are people I can trust. Thank you so much for everything Sydney. I want you to know, you know I'm always here for you. You know I will always listen, I will try to help you with anything. I meant what I said about the crying thing. And just in case, I will repeat it :)
"Although you may want to cry, maybe there is a reason why you don't. I didn't think of this earlier, but sometimes crying, shows strength, but I think those who don't cry at times when it would be easier, also shows strength. Sometimes people need others that don't cry to keep them together. Sydney, you're a very close friend and I do have to admit, I feel weak crying and knowing that you can hold from crying, even if you want to...that's true strength and I look up to you for it."
When I have cried, what keeps me together are those who can hold back their tears. It shows me strength. Sydney, I'm sure God has a reason to why you feel like you can't cry, even though you do want to. There is a reason for everything.
Sydney, thank you once again for everything. Thanks for being a HUGE part of my life. I know we will always be friends, no matter what life tosses at us. We have stuck with each other for this long, we can keep going. Thank you for everything, I can't say it enough! I love ya, you are like a sister to me and one of my closest friends. I don't know what I'd do without you, you have strengthened me so much. You've lifted me up, helped me, taught me, been a true friend, trusted me, EVERYTHING! I have never met anybody like you! You are unique, you are special, you are you. You are amazing, never forget it! You are loved by many, you are looked up to, you are an example and our Father in Heaven is so proud of you! I know He is smiling down on you. He has given you people in your life to help you. He will always be there for you. He loves you, forever and always! I love ya Sydney! Thank you so much for all you do. I can't wait to see how our lives turn out! Thanks for all the joy you have brought to me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Love ya Sydney! :D

Your "talk-to-buddy,"
Alissa A'Lynn Lopez ♥

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