Monday, July 30, 2012

7th letter goes to....OQUENDO!

My 7th letter goes out to my old drama teacher, my old director, my friend...Mr. Oquendo!

Dear Quendo,
Hey, it's been awhile since we've talked. We still need to plan our cast party...haha. Anyways, I want to thank you for the opportunity you gave me this past year. I was so happy to be your Student Director, and I learned so much. The cast, they were great and I love them all. I don't know if I mentioned this to you before, but I really think that being a part of the show helped me for my One Act auditions, and I want to thank you for that. It was such a great experience. I love being part of a show, and it was great being such a big part of it. I truly was blessed, and it taught me soooo much! I can't wait for your future plays, I will always step in to help when ya need it. You know that.
I'm glad I could also help you with Honk Jr. this year. I wasn't planning on doing spotlight, I had never done it before, but it was good learning something new. I learned a lot from that show as well, like being a techie. It was something I didn't have experience with, and was something different, but I was grateful to learn it. It helped me out for when I would become your Student Director later on, I just didn't know it at the time.
Mr. Oquendo, I never told you this. You really helped me with wanting to keep going on with plays and drama. I have always enjoyed plays, and as a little girl I had always wanted to be a part of them. I tried out in my elementary school musical, but had not made it the two years I tried out. When I was in 7th grade and it came time for the musical at Lakeridge, I didn't want to try out. I was afraid of trying out again. Even though I did want to be a part of it, I thought I was done with Drama. I didn't want to be a part of it anymore. However, that soon changed. In 8th grade, I didn't sign up for Drama, but the school just put me in the class. I'm really grateful that they did. You helped me out in drama class to help me realize that I still loved doing drama. When it came time for the musical tryouts, I was afraid, but decided I'd go ahead and just try out.
It was a joy being part of Beauty and the Beast Jr. I had so much fun, and it made me want to keep coming back. You made me realize how much I love the stage! Ninth grade, there was no doubt in my mind when it came to tryouts. I was going to do it. And I was grateful for being a part of that musical too. Even more than you know! And you helped me a lot that year too. Thanks!
I was grateful that I could still be a part of your plays this year too. Not only because I could bug Carissa during Honk. Hahaha. But I learned a lot from you.
Quendo, thank you for also be a HUGE help when things got rough with my friend. And you helped me realize how childish I had been and that things just needed time to work out. Thank you for being a great friend to me and giving me advice when I need it. Also, thanks for the great memories!
Hahaha. Like all the songs you made up. Even that one song that was sad about that "certain somebody" who didn't notice me as anything but a friend. I loved your little songs! Hahaha. And that one day when I showed you Pinteret. Ha, and you and Chris were making fun of me and Gabby.
Once again, thank you for all you have taught me. I know I still have lots to learn, but thank you for being my teacher! Thanks for letting me be your Student Director. Thank you for being a friend. Just thank you! I'll hopefully be around for your next play. I'm always here ready to help! Hahaha. Oh, and I was serious earlier...we really do need to plan that cast party. I've had people ask me when we were going to do it. Hahaha, so we should sometime plan it. Thanks for everything! 

Your "Student Assistant Director,"
Alissa Lopez 

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