Sunday, July 29, 2012

Onto the 6th letter out of 24 of them

Dear April,
The first memory I have of you was in young women's when we were doing a camp meeting for my first year. There were no seats and I remember either you sat on my lap, or I sat on your lap. Haha...I can't remember. I had no idea who you were, yet you (or I whichever it was) sat on my (or your) lap, and we have been friends ever since! Hahaha.
April, oh my. You are such a great friend! I want to thank you for all the rides you have given me. I can't thank you enough and I feel like I am in debt to you. Thank you so much for all the days you took me to Lakeridge when I needed to go, but it was too cold, or I was in too much pain or was running late. Thank you for taking me to Jeremy's viewing. It was so nice to have you there with me as well. Thank you for the rides to school when I was running late. Really, just thank you for all of the rides! You are truly amazing and I'm so grateful for all you have done for me.
Oh my, I remember in my 7th and 8th grade years, at the bus stop. That was always fun. Hahaha. And then we always had the same seats on the bus. Haha, oh gosh. It's weird to think about all that, it seems so long ago, but at the same time it feels like it was just yesterday!
April, we've had many fun memories. Especially camp, not just this year (even though you were only there for a day), but also last year when you came, and also the first year. I remember last year when Gabby and I took what was, your bucket? I'm pretty sure that was it. Anyways, when she and I took it around camp and took pictures of it in different places, like the shower. Hahaha. And then we wrote a letter as if the bucket was telling you all the adventures it had had that day. Haha that was fun.
I've had a lot of fun with you, but I've also learned a lot. You have always been an example to me. The strength you have shown in deciding to be baptized, it's incredible. I look up to you a lot. Your opinion means a lot to me. You are such a great example; I know many other people look up to you as well. You really do show a lot of strength. It's incredible all that you have done. April, thank you for being such a great example to me.
April, you are such a joy in people's lives. I don't know what I'd do without you. You have brought smiles on my face, you have helped me through things, and you always have great advice! I want to thank you for helping me out with "you know who" this past summer. You know how difficult it's been on me and how hurt I was. Thank you for being a friend I could turn to. One who would listen, and give me advice. Thank you.
You are here for a reason April. God sees your efforts and I know He is watching over you. April, I love how you "dare to do what's right, even if it means standing alone." (See talk...hehe). Like I said, you are an example. Thank you for not being afraid to share you light with others. Your efforts are seen. Even if those people don't accept your offers, Heavenly Father knows you are trying and He blesses you for it. I can just imagine Heavenly Father smiling, and giving you a huge hug on your return home to Him. I know He is proud of you. I hope you know how much He loves you. He is always there for you! I love ya April! May we forever be friends.

Friends for life,
Alissa Lopez ♥

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