Wednesday, August 15, 2012

2nd to last letter for Jentree!

Dear Jentree,
Girl how I've missed ya! I'm glad we got to see each other at least once during the summer! That was a good day. Jentree, all our days are great! We have so much fun together! Like seriously, we have had some crazy great memories. Like singing with Mandy. Oh my gosh. That's always fun. We HAVE to do that at the talent show! Bahaha. nobody would recognize us! Hahahaha.
Jentree! We are going to have even more fun this year at school! We are going to be just awesome and make some crazy great memories. People are going to just WANT to know who we are because we will have so much fun. Haha...okay maybe they won't...but we'll have fun anyways.
Oh my gosh! I'm so glad we are going to at least have one class least last I knew we were. I hope that's still the same cuz we haven't had a class since like 9th grade! And that seems forever ago!
By the way...Computer Tech. That class was great. Haha. Even though you and Gabby were stinkers and always made it hard for me to sign into my computer! Oh and remember that spider that one day? Haha. It was sooo scary! I shouldn't have blown on it! Ha. And my scream. Oh gosh. I felt bad for the substitute. And that was so embarrassing. Haha.
Um, so Jentree...we have had some super memorable moments. Like Morp. That was a lot of fun! Seriously it was! I had a blast. I must say, our group. Awesome. I think it was my favorite group I've had. I thought it was odd how that random guy came and played with us in the park. That was kind of weird. Haha. But still, the dance and the whole group date was a lot of fun.
Jentree, we not only have some crazy memories, but we also have great memories. Like the ones where you have been such a great friend! You have been there for me a lot this past year! I mean seriously! The whole thing with me being sooo confused and not knowing whether to talk with Sariah about that one thing, yeah. You helped me a lot with it. I have followed your advice so far. I'm thinking once school starts and everything...I will talk with her about it. But I want to thank you about helping me.
You've been there when I've been crazy, quite stupid/blonde, happy, sad, boy crazy (haha), and everything else. It's been so great to have you as a friend! I love spending time with you and just talking! We always have such great and interesting conversations. Haha.
Jentree, my dear. Thank you so much for everything. For always listening to me go crazy. Thank you for being such an amazing friend and always making me laugh! I trust ya a lot, and I want to thank you for being so trustworthy! You are amazing! Thank you, once again, for everything! Love ya girly! I hope we'll always be friends!

Screaming over spiders around computers,
Alissa Lopez 

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