Sunday, August 26, 2012

And school is back!

So, as most of you know, school has started for moi! This first week of school has been INSANE! Like literally! It was crazy and stressful because I started the year off with auditions for my school's Shakespeare team. I wasn't sure if I was going to try out for the Shakespeare team because I never have and I don't particularly care for Shakespeare. I don't even really understand it unless you give me like a month...just to learn a monologue. And even then I still don't completely understand! So yeah, I was not sure I should try out, but my friend Gabby has always tried out and tells me about how great it is. I always hear about these stories from Shakespeare festival, and it was sad because I couldn't be a part of them and I didn't really understand it. So I wanted to try something new and learn what it's all about. I have never been so afraid for an audition in my life! Of course with auditions, I always get nervous...but this was different. See my forte are musicals. I feel more comfortable trying out for musicals. And trying out for this, something I wasn't comfortable with and didn't know much about, it was so nerve-wracking! I was literally shaking uncontrollably. It was closed auditions, meaning only one person would go in and audition at a time. I was lucky enough to have my friends Gabby and Kimmy come in and audition with me! It was nice to have them there and I felt a little more at ease. By the way, this audition was on Thursday. My friend Kirsten also tried out! Anyways, Friday, Criman put up the call back list and call backs would be after school that day. Freak out moment! So Friday morning, I was dreading to look at that call back list. I found Kirsten and we went to look at it together. We both made it! Same with Gabby and Kimmy! I was so relieved! Then I started freaking out again. Now I had to do call backs, and I heard you had to do improv for it. Which is not a strength of mine. So I was freaking out...again! After school, all the nerves came again. And yes, we had to do improv! For those of you who don't know what that's improvisation. Making things up on the spot, pretty much. Criman gave each of us a partner randomly. Luckily I was partnered up with Kylie Lord, who I know and I was happy to have her as my partner. Then he split us into 3 groups. Gave each group their own Shakespeare plot and then we would have to improv it. For example, my group was given the plot of a girl who had to dress up as a guy for some reason. Their master was in love with a certain girl and wanted this girl/guy to tell the girl that he loved her. However, this certain girl, she was in love with the guy/girl. And yeah...that's the basics of the plot. Well I had to play the girl and Kylie was the guy/girl. I feel like we did quite well on our improv. We made them laugh, and that's a good sign. Kirsten said she felt pretty good about hers too! So that's great! We don't find out who made it until Saturday!!! Soooo long to wait! I don't know if I can wait that long!
So after our call backs, Kirsten, Mvhayv, and I went to Lakeridge to go see Oquendo! Well, first off that walk to Lakeridge...haha fantastic. Also it just happened to be Lakeridge's 9th Grade Barbecue. So that meant Andrew would be there. We saw him and I had Kirsten and Mvhayv go in front and I would walk behind them. Andrew saw Kirsten and Mvhayv and ran up to them and gave them a hug...which is when he saw me. :D So he ran to me and gave me a hug as well! It was great seeing him again! We went to Oquendo's room and talked for a couple hours. Then we left so that we could get ready for the MV game! We met each other all at the game and had fun! We didn't even pay attention to the game that much haha. But that's okay...we only got 7 points. Oh well. Better luck next time, Bruins! It was a lot of fun just being there with my friends...and Andrew! :D It was a perfect day!
Yesterday was my multi-stake dance and ohmycrazynessofalife. It was awesome! I had the time of my life! We got rained on (we were outside) but that just made it even more fantastic! The music was awesome! And it was a blast! Haha. I danced all night, with friends, with strangers....with boys. Haha. I met this guy and I wish guys would be more like him at dances! He was talking it up with everybody! He danced with a girl every dance and would ask them right away. He was a really funny guy and I can't wait till he's at MV because that dude is great! Haha. Me and Sydney were joking today that since he would be a sophomore next year, Sydney could date him. (Sydney would be a senior) And then I would have Andrew who would be a sophomore, and I would be a senior. Haha. Oh we're great. But yeah, the dance was awesome.
Also, yesterday I had my family reunion. Wow that was great! I was so grateful that everything worked out and I was able to go to it. We were afraid that I wouldn't get a ride home in time to go to the dance (my mom wanted to stay). It all worked out, I was able to get ready and make it to the dance around the time I like to go (I don't like being there on time, I have to be at least 30 minutes late haha). So it was perfect!
This week will be crazy as well. I've got auditions for my school's musical, Cinderella! I'm so excited. Wish me luck! Those auditions will be Monday, Tuesday and then Wednesday (Wednesday are the dance auditions, and Monday and Tuesday are the auditions, auditions). So I'm auditioning tomorrow cuz I have babysitting on Tuesday. Wednesday I'll be doing the dance auditions. Thursday I'll be babysitting again. (By the way...thank you Sister Stott for letting me babysit! I have needed money and need it even more now if I make Shakespeare Team). Friday I have my drama banquet. Yay! Drama is great and I'm so glad I'm taking it this year!!! After our little party, we are going to the football game! Sweet! Saturday is when Criman will put up the cast list for Cinderella and Shakespeare Team. Sooo I'm super stoked for this week! This is going to be great, and crazy! That's pretty much my life at about now and this is getting to be too long. Haha. So I guess I'll end here. This year has been great...oh and my seminary teacher...AMAZING! Love Bro. Taeger! I can tell, this year is going to be awesome. "Life is better on the Mountain!"

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