Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My 15th letter is for Shaina!

Oh gosh. What would I do without my Shaina! You have been such a great friend and boy, we've had sooooo much fun! I don't know what I would do without you! I'm soooo glad we were in Children together! We had some great times! Biology was always an adventure. Hahaha. Especially when we had that student teacher. She didn't like our table very much. I don't understand why, I mean when we had to draw those posters of the insides of people we drew a heart...maybe not correctly, but still! Haha, oh well, she was crazy!!!
Oh boy, ballroom...that was crazy fun! Hahaha. We had lots of fun in ballroom. I'm glad you were in my ballroom class. When I was hurt and couldn't dance, it was nice having company. Oh haha which reminds me about when you were hurt and your ice. That ice was good haha :)
Shaina, ohmycrazynessofalife...English. Where do I even begin with that class?! <- That reminds me of an interrobang from English! haha. Anyways, yeah that class was great! It wasn't a good thing that it was the first class of the day, when I had no sleep. Yeah, no...not good. Haha. Remember that one day, we were in the computer lab writing those papers? Haha, the ones about Huckleberry Finn? I think we went a little too crazy that day, because you broke my backpack!!! Hahaha. And you also gave me that new name...hahaha.
Yeah, fun class. I'm so glad you were in my group when we were reading Fahrenheit 451, because I would have died without you! Hahaha, remember when Andrus came in at the right time because somebody was being stupid and was arguing with us about our opinions. Yeah, I wouldn't have been able to handle that person if you weren't in my group! Oh and our poster we made of Clarisse was amazing! Hahaha :D
Shaina, wow, you have been a great friend. Really! You helped me out when I was working with Oquendo. You helped me during the school year whenever I had friend issues. You have always just been great.
It's amazing how close we have become. I don't usually meet people and become so close in a short amount of time. I have been able to trust you and have had a friend who has been there for me a lot. You are so amazing! I have loved getting to know you! You are such a joy! You always make me laugh, even when I'm upset. You've seen me cry, and when I have had bad days, you just always do whatever you can to make me feel better. Thank you so much Shaina! You are so unique and I really don't know what I'd do without you! Thank you so much for everything. The laughs, the crazy blonde moments, English, Biology, Ballroom, Children, lunch, EVERYTHING! It has all been a great adventure! I am so excited for this next school year! It will be amazing!
I love ya girl! We will make some serious, crazy memories this year!!! You have such talent, Shaina! I loved your One Act! It was awesome!!! Love ya girl. Thank you for everything, and Shaina...I do like the purple in your hair! Hehehe :P (But really I do)

Your English Buddy,
Alissa Lopez

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