Wednesday, August 8, 2012

McKenna gets today's letter cuz she's awesome!

Dear McKenna,
McKenna, dearest...I cannot believe you took a picture of me with my failed attempt of eating french toast. Hahaha. Oh gosh. Embarrassing. At least it wasn't of Mandy and Ari shoving the french toast in my face. That's my positive spin on that picture. But you will pay. I'm going to have to get you back. Haha.
Well haven't we had some great times? Hahaha. Oh gosh. Like whenever I came to Lakeridge and we got to talk and see each other...usually in Oquendo's room. Haha. Or girl's camp last year! Oh my crazy socks! That was fun. You were like our own personal radio! Hahaha. It was awesome!
McKenna, you have been such a great friend! I love our little walks. They're great and quite interesting. Haha. Like our last one with you singing One Direction, and talking about One Direction, and haha yeah. We should go on another walk sometime, just to talk and have fun again! Haha :)
Hahaha this morning was great by the way. And haha, waking you up, that was hilarious! I loved that you just sat up and put on a smile and said, "Good morning." It was pretty funny. Haha. I only got to wake up you and Kaylee, but you beat Kaylee out for "The Best Waking Up Award," which I just made up and yeah. Hahaha. But you're awesome!
McKenna! You are just a huge ball of energy! You always are so jumpy and crazy, and it's awesome! Haha. It makes me want to be happy! Hahaha! I love that you are just so happy and can make people laugh. Quite the talent, my lady! :D
McKenna! I always forget that you are like 4 years younger than me. You don't seem like it! You make me feel like either you are my age, or I'm your age...not sure which one. Haha. But still, I just always feel like we are the same age! I'm going to say that's a good thing. Hahaha.
You are such a great friend! You always try to make me happy when I have bad days and you always try to get me to laugh. Like last Wednesday! At young women's. I was just not having a great day, and you from the start tried to get me to be happy :)
McKenna, dear. You are a joy! You have such potential! I love you like my own sister. Really! You and I are super close! You know a lot about me, and I can promise you, you will start to know even more, because I do trust you. :D You always got my back, and I know that for sure!
McKenna, we've had some pretty crazy conversations, and some pretty crazy days. I mean just camp alone...yeah, you saw me like literally go insane. Camp always brings out my crazy side haha. I'm always afraid I'll scare off the 1st years. Hahaha. Especially this year cuz I was a YCL. Haha. I wish you could have been there, but you were remembered! :D
Kenna, what can I say. I keep saying it, you are just amazing! You know how to make people laugh, and your smile is contagious! I only hope I can be like you! Man, I'm going to have to keep those guys away from ya this year! They are just going to be going crazy for that smile of yours! Hahaha. And if there is any trouble, I'll be there to take care of it. "I'll punch them in the face," since you know, you would do the same for me...and I know you would, cuz you've told me that a few times. Haha.
So, I think this year, I'm going to have to make sure to keep seeing you! We must always stay in touch! Cuz you are soooooooo great, and just know how to lift me up and make me happy, plus you are so incredible! I love ya girl! Don't forget who you are! You are such a great girl, and you are loved by so many people! Thanks for everything you have done for me. I hope for us to always be friends! Love ya!

Secretly your sister,
Alissa Lopez 


  1. Actually, it's closer to three years difference.

    1. Hahaha. Well's weird to me that she's so much younger. :)
